Transformational & healing powers
Sinai Park House Trust is dedicated not just to saving the Grade II* timber framed buildings at Sinai, but to re-enabling access to the joyous, transformational and healing powers this site has always been able to offer.
Whether it was monks at Sinai for rest and recuperation or the Paget family for entertainment away from the day to day, Sinai can deliver all the rejuvenation, contemplation, new learning and fun that previous generations have already experienced.
Sinai is all about renewal
The first objective for the Sinai Park House Trust is to restore the buildings and the site and thus save not only a Scheduled Ancient Monument, but also the fabric of a house which is in the top 7% of places of importance in England.
Of equal importance is to enable the benefits of Sinai to be experienced and felt by all those who could benefit from its extraordinary powers. An especial objective is to support young people whose lives have been disrupted, whether by illness or challenges with mainstream education.
The Trust is keen to recruit individuals with interest, knowledge and potentially skills, related to all and any aspects of the restoration - find out more.
Once the site is saved, and even while work is ongoing, the Sinai Park House Trust will help fund access to Sinai and participation in activities for its chosen charities – the Teenage Cancer Trust and the Burton Albion Community Trust.
Biodiversity at the heart of everything
Throughout the project the Trust aims not only to rescue the buildings at risk, but to create a biodiverse landscape to benefit visitors that will access the nature and heritage of Sinai Park House.
The restoration project will also support the habitat and protection of the great crested newts currently known to exist within the Sinai Park House grounds.
Its 10-year environmental management plan will also encourage a wider range of British native plant and animal species through a range of biodiversity enhancements.
Get involved
To get involved or donate, visit our Donate page. For anything else, why not call us on 01283 544161 or email